Monday, July 16, 2007
Evolution Chart First 150 Pokemon
and weaving craft and artistic aspects of the plot
past and present
ISLAND PLAN 20-21-22 July 2007
Now in its seventh edition, Braids, Weaves, by the Pro Loco Island Plan, whose theme is The textures of nature, wild-wire, wire tamed. After the "city in the form of a palace of Urbino, Island has invented" the country in the form of home. " The center is conceived as a single house with several rooms (including the cobwebs!) Appointed to host the event with its various events (exhibitions, theater, music, circus) and ideally interweaves the amazing "threads natural" with "wires artifacts to create a festive world to explore. As usual, craft and artistic aspects of the plot will be represented, with workshops and opportunities for participation. The event begins Friday
21 (19.00) with the opening of the cellars and exhibitions. The former home church of cards with art, an exhibition and workshop with the participation of Diane Roch Magrini, Patricia and Anna Atturo arenas, three representatives of the various ways of understanding the art of weaving and weaving as art. Their work will be accompanied by music, poetry, theater o semplici chiacchiere nello spazio intimo della ex chiesa, inteso per l’occasione come il “salotto” del paese-casa. Il primo spettacolo in salotto sarà una commedia presentato da I Fanigiuliesi (Giulia Bellucci, Fabio Brunetti, Nicola Gaggi, Silvia Gaggi, Letizia Righi) il cui titolo " D’amore, fandonie e schiocchezzuole " è tutto un programma. A seguire una altra commedia, Canta che ti passa, con la regia di Jorg Henning Kokott e la compagnia italo-tedesca, Caduta Sassi Pergola. Nel Frantoio, si inaugurerà Apeiron (fino al 29 luglio) una mostra fotografica di fotomacro e di “watery painting” a cura di Antonio Aversa e Fedele Tocci, due artisti calabresi alle prese con evanescenti e sfuggevoli elementary weaves made of fire and water. In the meantime, the corridors of the house "(the ways of the country) The Jesters rage of the devil" jugglers and acrobats with huge jumps in the air and over time. Later (22.30), the Borghettibugaronband will rise on stage the streets to give us their poetic and gritty rock. The music continues with the Blues Quartet who will play the classic blues and rock 'n' roll to the Ram, an area set up by eager young islanders. To complete the interweaving of music, this' year there is also the chance to dance "Latin-style" space of the lawn with not only in the company of Sonia and Salsa Corrado (from 21.30 pm on Saturday).
the streets of the country Saturday 21 (as of 20.30) will be around clowns and circus performers who will compete in three shows "Danka Danka, The great Lebuski and Oli-Ola '" by Gianluca Marra, Laura and Angelo Viva Pavone. Later still a lot of music with a brilliant band of young, Bluestrings (22.00), whose repertoire ranges from classic rock to light jazz and swing (all 20 musicians playing stringed instruments, from 16-20 years and they are of real talent). In the space of the Sacrifice Young will perform Maramai (23.30) with the increasing demand pinches, while Aldebaran is in the Courtyard and Outside In announcing Islanders. Infine una chicca, Smarties, un giovanissimo gruppo di ballerini daranno una prova di danza moderna in piazza (regia di Alessia Lucarelli).
Gli spettacoli Domenica 22 cominciano all’insegna degli intrecci aerei dei Cavalieri dell’aria (ore 18.00), un’insolita dimostrazione delle abilità di uccelli rapaci che spiccheranno il volo sul paese. In piazza la musica riparte con i Rari Ramarri Rurali (ore 19.00) una divertentissima band ormai di chiara fama locale che sanno toccare le corde di una cultura quotidiana con una musica ruspante e ironica. La piazza si vestirà poi dei colori del circo per ospitare il mirabolante spettacolo senza tempo de La compagnia Fratelli di taglia: “Circus Colombazzi ovvero/nevero saltimbanchi, acrobats, jugglers, fakirs, fire eaters and other extravagances. " A pause for reflection is offered by The Mariner of the great Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa (hours 18 and 22), with director George Donis and speaking voices of Viviana Antonioli, Giannina Barazzutti, Jessica Tonelli, music and sound Matia Costantini, in 'church of the former. The final notes will be sung by Per Acknowledgement (22.30), or simply for the PPV increasingly large group of fans of these interpreters of Italian music and folk singers on the side.
course during the three days there will be food for all tastes: the stand of the biological DOC, and the ever-fresh pleasure of sitting with a glass in the old cellars (specially re-opened) to hear the thread of a conversation without time.
addition to the event, during the year, fans and local traditions of weaving can visit the new museum diffuse Isola del Piano, dedicated just intermingling. Located in Castelgagliardo, the museum also contains documentation on past editions of Braids-Weaves.
Pro Loco of Isola del Piano, 14 July 2007
For information: tel
. 3358197355 3343903146 \u200b\u200bor email
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Creatine For Womencreafem
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