The first nice thing about Sunday (6)
Non sempre le giornate cominciano bene, la settimana scorsa, ho saputo che un bambino
che prendiamo con lo scuola-bus non sta bene, una malattia inaspettata da richiedere urgentemente il ricovero per un intervento, sono quelle notizie che arrivano inaspettamente e ti si gela il cuore...
Avrei anche omesso questo preambolo, ma non sarebbe stato corretto, perchè la vita, purtroppo,
non è solo rose e fiori è fatta anche di questi eventi which, although not directly hit, they leave you a sign and make you reflect on the importance of health, the little things in life, be comfortable with those around us ... get over his unnecessary anger, so then go, go ahead ... pray that everything goes well.
These days, my thoughts for this little baby that life goes back to smiling, praying that everything goes well.
Strive to be calm for those around us is not easy, but it helps to move forward.
We spent an afternoon with Francis "Ciapin" something for Valentine's Day, as a ticket for his dad.
We have invented an imaginary journey in China, thus participating in the beautiful iniziativia Mammagiramondo ...
great time these days, a foretelling of Spring, he gave us plenty of sunshine and not as aprofittarne for a walk to the beach?
get their hands dirty with the sand, feeling the grain while the sun slips from his fingers and caresses her face ...
whip up a race with the balls of sand ...
while the sea water so crystal clear Haliaetum from my mind and I hope yours for the next day, good week!
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