Monday, January 31, 2011

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Gli ultimi tre giorni di Gennaio sono chiamati i giorni della merla , possono essere molto freddi, sapete perchè?

C'è una favola che racconta la storia del nome.

" Tanto, tanto tempo fa, quando i merli erano ancora bianchi, il mese di gennaio era tiepido.

Una famiglia di merli, padre, madre e tre merlottini, vi­veva senza preoccupazioni su un'immensa oak tree of the garden which belonged to a noble family.

the end of January, which was then the shortest month of the year because he had only 28 days and February was 31, his father blackbird went in search of food for the little family.

The day was sunny and serene, Merla mom came singing from the nest and, perhaps ever since, began to mock Messer January, diciendogli winter months as it was not worth anything because it was so cold.

January, furious and decided to take revenge: he asked three days in February, which by that time stayed with twenty-eight, and those three days turned them into an ice sending the temperature below freezing.

The snow and ice hit the little family of blackbirds that were likely to freeze.

Merla When mom saw the smoke from a fireplace out of the house decided to escape to the warmth together with their children, but the black smoke impregnated their pens so that the little family became black as pitch.

And so it happens, also, always, with their descendants. "

from the blog: "What's Cooking .

And for this reason that the last days of January, are called: "The days of the blackbird .


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