Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How To Style Hair Like A Greecian

The first nice thing about Sunday

With some delay, here I am to post "The first nice thing about Sunday", an initiative proposed by Ninfa.

great surprise, we received a few weeks ago, a parcel from my friend Gabrielle, a book with a bookmark with the technique of embroidered broderie suisse: beautiful!

Francis has just seen the book, intrigued by the story of the vulture that John wanted to go to school, but he was not banned, read it all now, thank Gabriella, your gift was greatly appreciated, have taught us that friendship is possible even at a distance, and is made of small details, chosen from the heart ...

After several months, I finally picked up the needle to prepare a gift, I still can not reveal, however, reveal signs of roses up steam, is the first time that the embroidery: I still have much to learn!
I rediscovered the pleasure of stitching, di rilassarmi mentre scorre il tempo, pensando all'amica che lo riceverà... riappropriandomi di uno spazio tutto mio, in cui c'è solo il piacere del fare...

Non mi piacciono gli sprechi, li trovo inutili e in cucina si riutilizzano gli avanzi, come quelli dellla panna per la mousse della ciambella dei Re Magi.

Ho trovato questa ricetta, ciambella alla panna , davvero buona, Francesco mi ha aiutata, suggerendomi di aggiungere mezza tavoletta di cioccolata tritata grossolanamente, una manciata di uvetta messa in ammollo in precedenza, la buccia grattuggiata delle arance del
nonno e una mela... più buona di così!


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