Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hot Flaming Cheetos Cause

EDGE 'Pack your bags GIMO A SESTOOO THAT BUT NO Quil near Milan, MA Quil FIORENTINO!

Robèèè as Stè?? It is that nn mpezzo c'arsentimo, the air we breathe if n'giro, ta me, honest to them, like pe mme ncazzo speaks ... Someone already de final de Cempionslig, and various crap, someone else speaks of double, triple , quadruple jump from category as it was na stroll to the beautiful green path nt'na morning of May, and the Todi lanari break the co cojoni if \u200b\u200bthe Bridge to giocamo Curi, even if other experts in a stand of lawns and synthetic stuff that is the envy of gardeners de Backingham Palace!
This alarmed me on board, because the printer to lose the sense of I'm the league, as if the promotion already there ... the emo n'tasca nvece and no, because now you ch'ariva lbello, is now touching the cojoni Tirà holes, and nvece the air we breathe is if n'aria gentrified .... 180 tickets already sold for Wednesday night near Florence, and n'ora mmezzo de car when time was up nvece na de do punches from Tuesday morning for those miserable pija x 1000 tickets already in the Holy Sepulchre, in Castello, Civita and ta me like st'aria mme pe ncazzo!
But Bordeaux, tu lsè mejo de me, ta noi de sto doppio-triplo-quadruplo salto de categoria, del pratino al’inglese e tutte ste cazzate, nn ce ne frega na sega, preparan le valige, salimo n’macchina e gimooo a Sestooo, che nn’è Sesto San Giovanni, quil vicino a Milano, ma è Sesto Fiorentino, quil più vicin ta noaltre. Finalmente arfacen na Trasferta ncla T maiuscola e quando te dico A1 gia t’ho ditto gni cosa…tu l’sé che quando mbocco l’A1 ta me gia me pija bene; tocca uscì a Calenzano-Sesto Fiorentino, passà sul cavalcavia sopra l’A1, tirà n'sasso di sotto, pagà l’casello, fa n’anello dua c’è na rota de legno n’mezzo, arpassà under the A1 n'tartirano hoping that over the rocks, on tap here is 1.8 km (paol8, know that I count them ... if you nn'enno nculamo to turn ... rules!), straight and self- Gionta to pitch.

Manco na postcard is so pretty!
Sesto n'comune steps to du-da Viola Merda ec'ha approximately 47,000 inhabitants, is ntla esplanade de l'Arno, and whether traces of Sesto trovon already ntol 6000 BC, when the furnaces already c'evon coce ceramics, but if that is ntol 2000 AC svilupparon for good: what signs disboscaron June , mpararon to work with the copper el'bronzo es'allearon Etruscans ... but with the Romans who created lprimo nickname of the place: Sextus ab urbe lapis, later changed by the Florentines in the Middle Ages in the sixth.

On'm nc'è country of crabs, hon ever licked xchè lculo tai Fiorentini and nce who had objected to the fees (taxes) too high, l’hon prese come pochi e nc’hon provato più!
Nel 1735 n’certo Ginori fondò la Manufattura della Doccia, la prima fabbrica de porcellane in Europa, che aiutò Sesto ntol su sviluppo; Sesto c’ha diversi strani primati non proprio filo-governativi: Sesto fu tra i primi centri delle lotte operaie de fine ‘800, nel 1897 fu l’secondo seggio a elegge n’deputato socialista, nel 1898 Sesto se ribellò contro la Tassa del macinato, la gente scese n’piazza e ce furono nsacco de morti, e infine nel 1899 fu l’primo comune toscano ad avecce nsindaco socialista… ‘nsomma Bordò, Domenica, ntla central square you will add to scream Fuck Berlusconi mena nte no man, indeed, few people will understand you, to me, because in the sixth, c'enno many foreigners!
From vedè nc'è much, even from Quil xchè I have said is that if you develop n'paese nti 60s, but something the Florentines j'hon period, as the Parish Church de San Martin and several villas in the hills round about 700 nts Sixth, the Florentines there dua Givon fuck in the summer. A sixth is the famous school of art ever created by Ginori eg mparaje the craft of pottery works, the Museum of the Richard-Ginori (I wanted to Ginori, which campaigns to taste x mesa is nothing in the middle dl'attenzione ... and that to me, so ta assomija a tailor who makes the co fluff!) And finally there is the university of Florence, then I think they bit us a few bona Pussy Ngiro!

But Robe venimo argument that the more the nteresse, although na What I owe to you; Tuque Sesto, the main sport nn'è l’pallone, ma l’atletica leggera (c’honno no stadio fatto aposta) e la bicicletta: ta sto posto c’è nato sportivamente n'certo Alfredo Martini (ex CT della Nazionale de Ciclismo, e c’èn più piste ciclabili duquì che a Pechino!!!
La storia della Sestese inizia ntol'immediato dopoguerra, quando n’gruppo de amici che je piaceva l’pallone decise de fondà na società.  All’inizio la società  militava nti Campionati Dilettanti e giocava ntol campo di Doccia, de proprietà de Ginori (mamma miaaa quanto j’assomija tal lanarooo!).   In 1945 he was promoted to the fourth series, and played against the best formations of Tuscany, after the Richard Ginori Sestese denied the use of the shower, it was put back the old municipal stadium, used during the war, as a warehouse, and lchiamaron "Piero Torrini" in honor of n'ex Sestese player died on the field in '56, and since then has always played between the Sestese Series D, appeared in Excellency and some C2, winning Italy Cup Series de na D, 88.


Questo è l’Torrini, n’campo sportivo da 3.000 posti, per carità, bellino , carino, e tutto quanto, ma me domando na cosa… la Stirpe dei Giulietti, quale striscione porterà via: “Quelli del Santa Giuliana” da trasferta o da partita casalinga? Ma poi, sto gruppo, vole ricordà l’veccho glorioso stadio o l’nostro amico SantaGiuliana?? 


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