Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sorority's Community Service


February 2 The Catholic Church celebrates the Presentation of the Lord , popularly known as Candlemas , because on this day are blessed candles, symbol Christ's "light for revelation to the Gentiles," the baby Jesus was called by the aged Simeon at the time of the Temple in Jerusalem, which was required by Jewish law for firstborn males.

The Roman Church adapted to this celebration February 2 in a party that was already being celebrated in the East since the fourth century , or the submission to the temple of the Lord.
The presentation of the infant to the temple, and the consequent purification of the mother, had to be forty days after giving birth, and since the day of birth was fixed, by convention, to December 25 , here perfectly match the purification of Virgin and the pagan festival of Juno purified. Over time, the Purification of the Virgin had taken over the presentation of Jesus in the Temple (...). But the custom has been to call this day Candlemas candle in Tuscany and Ceriola Siriola, Zariola in other regions, because we are blessed candles that will be distributed to the faithful.

**************** There are some popular sayings such as:

For the holy Cannelora,
or snowing or weeps
of 'We're out of winter.

When Candlemas winter
us out of it;
but if it rains or the wind blows

de Semo in the winter.

So if February 2 it will be sunny, winter still be late to leave. Instead
in Umbria and Lazio says

shows you the day the Verna, you see if
minute rain
Verna FIA accomplished, but if you see bright sun

March will be as Gennaro.

if there will be Feb. 2 "fine rain, the Verna FIA Accomplished" , that "winter is over"; but if you will "sun light", wants say that "in March will be like in January, and that there will be a cold spring!

Altre credenze parlano addirittura di abitudini particolari degli animali:
L orso si sveglierebbe dal letargo e uscirebbe fuori dalla sua tana per vedere come e’ il tempo e valutare se sia o meno il caso di mettere il naso fuori .


Noi abbiamo festeggiato la candelora con le crepes, in Francia, come racconta Claudia :
"La loro forma circolare rievoca quella del sole, che presto tornerà a splendere. Se ne possono fare a volontà, senza più having to save the flour, because soon the corn will be ripe in the fields "

We have then stuffed with nutella, are really delicious, thanks to Claudia for the recipe!

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We also created, again taking a cue from Claudia, critstalli decorated with colored wires from entering finesestra rays of light reflected onto the glass create the magical play of light color of the rainbow.

La ricetta per le crêpes dolci di Claudia(io ho dimezzato la dose, ne sono uscite un bel pò):
500g di farina
250g di zucchero
3 uova
1 litro di latte
25g di burro
1 bustina di zucchero vanigliato
1 pizzico di sale
Farcitura a piacere.

Mescolate la farina, lo zucchero, lo zucchero vanigliato e il sale. Aggiungete le uova e incorporate, poco a poco, mezzo litro di latte. Lavorate il tutto fino ad ottenere un composto omogeneo. Aggiungete il burro (fuso) e il resto del latte. Lasciate riposare un’ora. Fate cuocere a fuoco vivo sull’apposita padella, leggermente oleata, poi farcitele a piacere.


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